waveGame Changelog
Replaced waveDecomposition.js implementation with a radial approach to telekenisis.
Set brightness and saturation of 1d display equal to 50 and 120 (respectively) minus the distance between the nodes divided by the constant 1.5. This was done for more natural fading.
Implementing fading object brightness on nodes
Implemented waveDecomposition.js for ingame wizard-like telekenisis.
Implemented angle based player movement.
Implemented 1 dimensional viewport.
Set up HTML5 canvas for rendering.
Uploaded waveDecomposition.js.
Implemented NodeGraphicsV2.js.
Implemented NodePhysicsV2.js.
Implemented keyboard control of player node movement.
Implemented 3d graphic extreme(the level of 3d graphics that will be present once the player has fully expanded the world);